Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Another day in Jonesborough

Well.........a few days has passed since Katrina hit the gulf coast and little good news has came from that area other than the lives that were not taked by the storm. Those folks are really suffering right now and are in need of everything that can be sent to the area. Food, water, clothes, baby items, medicine and of course shelter. There are 200,000 people in Texas alone not to mention all the other states that are helping house the hurricane victims. Some of the pumps are running now and a levy has been patched to kep water out of New Orleans so the water level is dropping now. Thank God for that. Here at home the constant battle with weeds goes on. Got the tractor running today and started bushhogging the fence rows berfore we disappear behind a sea of sumac and ragweed. The Sycamore Shoals Celtic Festival is this weekend.....that should be enough keep me away from the weed battle for a day or so. Didn't go to work today just to stay home and fight the weeds and reclaim the place before the next trip to Hampton. UGH!!!


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