Monday, June 05, 2006

Thank God for Blogs!!

Just like the Psalm says, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help". The same can be said for blogs at least from my stand point. I guess all the world knows that being inactive and cut off from the things that I love to do is nearly the same as having g your heart ripped right out of your chest. I know that it might be a little on the dramatic side my little mind it is about the same. Basically I'm still looking out the window wondering if the world that I once knew still exists. I have little going in my favor at the moment. I know that somewhere out there other folks are going on with life and enjoying each day as if it were the last, and that is exactly my view as well, problem is that it is hard to enjoy the day looking out a window. My time is now spent bouncing around the internet looking for outdoor adventure on the web and living my life through those who are sharing their adventures in word and pictures. For now that will have to do.


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