Thursday, November 17, 2005

The last vestiges of Fall

The last vestiges of fall are all that remains. The wind and the rain are doing there best to claim our last hopes of this beautiful time of year. Although this is something that has occurred since the dawn of time and is completely out of our control, it still creates an empty space in me that wants very much for this season to last forever. Nothing can ever replace the feeling I have when I know that the world around me is going through such a rapid change. It is a fragile reminder that life also has season’s of it’s own and just like the trees, sometimes we stand alone and endure the weather and sometimes we are surrounded by others who are going through the same change. I wonder…… do the trees know somehow that they will once again be full of life and flowering thousands of little buds that bring back the birds that depend on them for food and shelter? Just think for a minute…..something that appears to be void of life in a few months will become something with the responsibility of protecting other creatures from the same forces that caused such a dramatic change in form, shape and life! We have much to learn from the world we live in. First we must be open to receive this teaching, and then be willing to try something new and go places that most of the population will never. It is not any different when we first set out in life and start down this path of learning in school. As children we are introduced to new things in school every day. This comes from text books (plural, more than one source) and other sources as well. In other words, you can not learn all there is by simply looking at the same bit of information all the time. The greatest discoveries of all time were stumbled upon while searching for something else. In March 1923 in an interview with George Mallory when asked “Why climb Everest” responded with “Because it is there”. And a very simple answer to a very simple question is now recorded in world history forever. And like Mr. Mallory, I agree that is reason enough. The following year Mallory never returned from the summit attempt. In May 1999, 75 years later, the body of George Mallory was found on Everest. Due to his death on the mountain, there is a story that will never be told. There are stories in all of us that will never be told. The mountain will never come to us, we must go to the mountain, and in doing so we just might find a story to share someday.


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